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Hazing Prevention Tips for the Team Leader

Looking for ideas on how to show your support during National Hazing Prevention Week? Share this excerpt from Hazing Prevention 101™ – Athletics Edition with your team.
Hazing Prevention 101: Smart Steps 4 Staying Safe

Smart Steps 4 Staying Safe is a tool to train college students on how to prevent hazing before it starts and deal with hazing when it starts. Share it with every student you know as you prepare for National Hazing Prevention Week! #NHPW
Smart Steps 4 Staying Safe™

Our purpose is to give students actionable steps to take when faced with a questionable activity. With these Smart Steps, all students are empowered to help prevent hazing, even before it starts!
Tips for the Team Leader

Utilize these 5 steps to prevent hazing and promote healthy relationships.
Team Building Activities

How Hazing Impacts The Families

“How Hazing Impacts Families” is an excerpt from our Hazing Prevention 101™ Course – College Edition is an evidence-based online course, reflecting best practices established by leading academics studying hazing. This one-hour awareness and prevention-based course teaches college/university students how to recognize, prevent and report hazing. Visit to learn more!
You’re Not Alone

“You’re Not Alone” is an excerpt from our Hazing Prevention 101™ – Athletics Edition, a 30 minute entirely online course that builds on what college students learned in Hazing Prevention 101. This online interactive course is tailored to the unique perspectives of student athletes and helps them recognize the signs of hazing; it reviews hazing laws and the effects of hazing, employing relatable videos like this to encourage, support, and inspire them to take action against hazing. Visit to learn more!
We Don’t Haze Here

This video is a piece from our Hazing Prevention 101™ – Athletics Edition, a 30 minute entirely online course that builds on what college students learned in Hazing Prevention 101, using diverse student perspectives and real-life scenarios. Student athletes will gain awareness on key topics like how to report hazing and stop it before it starts. We empower student athletes to take responsibility—and take action—to stop hazing before it starts. Visit to learn more!
Hazing Perceptions From College Students – Executive Summary

In this resource, we’ve compiled the results over three years from 220,000 college students at 82 institutions who took our Hazing Prevention 101TM course. The findings reveal students’ perceptions of hazing on campus as well as their attitudes about hazing and reporting it when it occurs.
Hazing Prevention Education Works!

Data collected from 90,000 course completions of Hazing Prevention 101™ Course – College Edition an online course by AliveTek and HazingPrevention.Org, indicates student education is working!
Contagious Campus

Test your ability to navigate Contagious Campus and learn healthy habits for a day in our ‘new normal’.
How to Protect Yourself and Others
Read more about how to protect yourself from infectious diseases with information from the Center for Disease Control.
Campus Fire Safety—What to do in case of a fire!

September is Campus Fire Safety month. Share this video with every student you know! It shows students how to survive a fire on or off campus.
Be Fire Smart

Read about the impact our fire safety course can have on learners!
Center of Campus Fire Safety
Learn more about fire safety from the Center for Campus Fire Safety.
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